2010 is just one week old. ok one week and a day old. But Malaysia is already facing one of the worst religions tensions so far. Started with the Allah name issue, it all escalated to church bombing and arson, as well as reports of cars been smashed.
What have we turned into?
We are deviating away from the unity path.
We are creating an intense atmosphere.
How can we be so barbaric?

And what saddens me more is, upon reading the comments from the facebook group, some Islamic extremists applauded these acts of terror, quoting "taste this wrath of fury", "this is what u get for making fun of our God's name", "good job guys, this will teach them some lessons".
I mean come on. We have made enough noises.
FB groups. Blogs. Street protests.
They've heard us already. Those stupid acts are unnecessary.
Islam doesn't condone acts of terror.
Humanity doesn't condone acts of terror.
Rational doesn't too.
And now the world is watching.
This could affect our foreign investments.
This could affect our tourism industry.
Foreigners might think we are a hostile host, creating animosity towards other religion.
Do we want that?
Well i guess in these trying times, we better hold on to those things that keep us united.
Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, we are all the children of God's.
There is no race, no religion, no skin color that are better than the others.
In God's eyes, we are all the same, and what differentiates us from other slaves are our iman.
Happy New Year 2010.
it sure starts with a bang, ey?
pictures are courtesy from thestar.com.my
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