So I will be posting the 'strolling down the memory lane' series, sharing with the world, what I went through, as I grew up finding the meaning of life, love and friendship.
Here's a starter. The Kindergarten life ;)
1. Entered a kindergarten in Ampang when I was 5 (can't really recall the name).
2. Was among the few Malay kids in the class. Friendship back then wasn't about race or skin color. More to who had the coolest toys collection, he will get more friends.
3. What is equally fun as going to the kindergarten? The Bus Ride. It was like we were in our little confined world, with no supervision from the elderly whatsover.
4, When I was 6, daddy transferred me to a more Islamic kindergarten. Taski Abim Al-Huda. Prolly because the tadika was only a stone away from our house.
5. Learned more Islamic approaches here. The teachers were the ones with the burqa and stuff. But it didnt really matter as long as we enjoyed the teachings.
6. Crying wasn't really an embarrassment back then. I remember being pinched by the teacher for asking (yelling) for Milo instead of tea for the tea break. Girls around me comforted me.
7. My best friend back then was Shasha, a fat girl with frizzy hair and we enjoyed kicking each other.
8. Shasha was also my daycare-mate, as our parents put us and few more kids under the care of a nice lady, fondly known as Mak-Mak. (the last time I went to visit Mak-Mak few years back, she told me that Shasha is now a part-time model and about to get married with a doctor. Damn)
9. Parents weren't really music fans, so my first music influence was from Mak-Mak's youngest son's music collection: Damasutra and Iklim.
10. Favourite past times back then:



me and my sis :)
omg! i had that dashboard toy thingy too dulu. best sgt!
best gilerrrrr!!!!
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