Who travelled in and out my door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before
Who now are someone else's wives
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before

Aku tengok jam.
Ahad. 4 Oktober.

I think it's absurd that Malaysians are fighting against themselves, when we know this disunity will only make us vulnerable to the external threats, and in case these fellow countrymen don't realize, this cyber war has long begun and before it escalates any further, and IF it escalates any further, I sure hope we are all prepared.
I pray for racial harmony, I pray for strentgh of Malaysia, because
cherish your old man.
you'll never know when u might lose him.
take everyday as the father's day and show and tell him how much u love him.
because u'll never know it might be your last chance to say it
i think i hate my new point-and-shoot camera. it takes BAD pictures, like really bad.
i kinda miss my old Nikon Coolpix S52. that was the most awesome digital camera ever.
and so i thought by buying another Nikon Coolpix, but a different range of model, it would be just the same, standing at the same par, or better since it;s touch screen.
but i was wrong.
i dont know what to do now.
should i live with it, or find a buyer and buy the Nikon Coolpix S52 so that we can be reunited back.
ive received a warning just as i logged in to my facebook account.
the warning says:
Warning! Your account could be disabled
Your use of our Wall Post feature indicates that you may be in violation of Facebook's Terms of Use. Continued misuse of Facebook's features could result in your account being disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page.
WTF right?
i know i've been vocal in defending my country in facebook group 'Ganyang Malaysia'.
but by reporting me and my contents as abusive is downright ridiculous! especially when it's them who are the ones with the vulgar words and belittling our own country! sh*t i dont deserve this, man.
a friend told me that these kinks will only last for few days, if not hours.
guess all i can do is what till everything is back to normal. for now all i can do is updating my status. i cant comment on ANY MOTHERLOVING ELSE. gahh. if this lasts, i swear i would hold a bitter hatred towards all Indonesians out there.
im off to bed now.
im going back to kl tmorow and i hope this wont spoil the mood.
selamat malam dunia.
*Sniff. I sneezed a little bit when i logged into this account because it was so dusty. (Ok that's lame). But yeah, it's been a month now. I don't know why but I lost spark with this blogging thinggy. If it were a relationship, I would end it once and for all. HA-HA.
Ok so forgive me for being away. Blame the more hip facebook notes and the in-thing twitter. Prolly to the workloads as well. But i doubt that I'm missed here. Kan?
So what's new with me. It's been a month now. Any changes?
Well there are. Not me. I haven't changed a bit. Still the lazy fat ass who apparently sets the less important things such as leisure and entertainment as priorities, instead of work and self health. :D
But it's the surrounding. My work enviroment. Political climate. World order.
Things are in chaos I'd must say. Things changed and some changes are still taking place.
Some are imminent. Some are minimal. But most are impactful.
First, my work surroundings. What do you feel when half of your team members, with the possibility of even your superior, wont be in the team, by the end of this month? Major reshuffling has and is taking place, not too much for my liking. A change so drastic, that I believe would disrupt the plans that have been made earlier. Gahh i hate this.
I wont touch on the political climate here, but the epidemic of the Swine Flu is currently sending shivers worldwide, with few cases have been reported here in Malaysia. I wonder will it effect the planned trip to Phuket next July. Fingers crossed.
I support the notion of change that Obama carries, but at times I have to agree with my own notion, 'Not all changes are for the good'. But since some changes are beyond our control, all I can do is adapt, and live with it. Because after all, the only consistent thing in life, is change. :)
Staying home alone on a Friday
Flat on the floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes are faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Get here
Searching all my days just to find you
I'm not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Until then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
Oh no way
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here oh yeah
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for me
chelsea drew with liverpool tonight with 4 goals each but we made it through to the semis with the aggregate of 7-5.
dang 8 goals thriller at stamford bridge and lucky i dont have a weak heart. kudos to the players who have shown high winning mentality and spirit. barca wont be an easy opponent.
now let me get back to my slumber as i have to do some opening speech tomorrow. yikes.
And so I haven't been updating my blog for a month now. too many things happened within that period. Been thru so many ups and downs but im back on my smelly feet now. Jyeah.
OK so here comes April. Again. And April Fool is not the only thing I will be celebrating.
1. For those who didn't know, it's my friggin birthday tomorrow. Yay. But obviously there won't be any happening party for my birthday, JUST YET. I guess I'm just gonna stay still in front of the laptop until I get sleepy, which in fact I already am now. Travelled to Sarikei and back today and lethargy has dried me up. Wait and see lah.
2. I will be celebrating ONE YEAR of me working in Sarawak. ONE YEAR of me being a permanent PETRONAS staff. ONE YEAR of me having real work and responsibility. And I have to admit, the experience, skills and knowledge I possess now, are WAY below par. Sheesh I really have to step up my gear now ain't it?
3. Lastly, as March reached it's end, it will be the FIRST MONTH that I didn't go back to KL. Gila kan? Since April last year, this month is the first month that I successfully spent the whole month in Sibu. And I'm doing pretty good. :)
So I guess that's about it. I'm gonna make some macaroni and cheese, decorate my place with balloons and prepare party hats for friends to come over, with their presents. Ok that was wishful thinking. Im just gonna snore my birthday eve away lah apparently. Yay. Ciao
I was online with an old friend last night. The conversation follows:
Friend: Hey I happen to know a dude who went to the same school with you.
Me: Oh, who?
Friend: Zaidi, remember? It's a small world because we went to the same primary school, the same college and lived in the same neighbourhood.
Me: Yeah, small world indeed.
Friend: And we were talking about you and Zaidi suddenly told me that "Yeap, Faliq. The guy who never gets mad"
Me: Er?
Friend: I kinda agree with him, dude. All these years that I've known you, never once i saw you mad. Thats cool.
Me: Er, thanks!
Apparently she hasn't met me for years, as I believe I'm not that person anymore. Well, times change and we're changing in them, no?
Just few days back, I shouted at the waiter for ignoring me at one of the mamak stalls (Sorry Sarr and Dayo that you had to see that). And I don't need to mention the other occasions where I lost my cool easily, over the tiniest things.
Yeah, my point is, I dont know where did the super-cool me has gone. Over the years, I think I've been kinda corrupted with the world, with the pressure, stress and lots more and yeah, I do miss the supercool me. Obviously I can always blame the world for moulding me into this un-cool guy right now, I can always blame the environment, the people around me, the movies I've watched, the jerks I've met, the almost lovers, even the neighbour's cats, but I know, in the end of the day, I've only got myself to blame.
But I am who I am.
And I will try to be a better person.
Insha Allah :)
1. kau buat aku tunggu depan msn tiap malam, tunggu kalau kalau kau online.
2. kau buat aku jadi paranoid, semua sms yang aku dapat, mesti aku harap itu dari kau.
3. kau buat aku buat plan yang comel-comel, tapi sebenarnye hampeh kalau kau takde dalam plan-plan tu
4. kau buat aku percaye kalau org ckp cinta itu buta, sebab sah-sah orang lawa cam kau takkan suke orang selebet cam aku. rupenye kau tipu.
5. kau buat aku dengar balik lagu-lagu jiwang tangkap leleh, kadang-kadang lagu negaraku pun bole jadi jiwang kalau aku denga sambil teringat kat kau.
6. kau buat aku suke kau dowh.
7. last skali, aku benci kau sebab kau buat aku nampak cam loser sebab buat 7 bende kenape aku benci kau ni.
This is one of my favourite songs from Faizal Tahir. This is taken from Gala TV, Astro Awani. He sang it beautifully, almost flawless. And i'm digging the lyrics too. Deep. :)
Ku membenarkan jiwaku
Untuk mencintaimu
Ku persembahkan hidupku
Untuk bersama kamu
Dan diriku untuk kamu
Belum pernah kumerasai begitu
Semua itu telah berlalu
Harapanku palsu
Dan mungkin hari yang satu
Terus ku tertunggu
Di hatiku masih kamu
Belum pernah ku ingin terus memburu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingi ku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Namun aku tetap aku
Yang terbaik untuk diriku
Hanya satu
Hanya kamu
Ku membiarkan hatiku
Untuk merinduimu
Ku menghamparkan sakitku
Untuk tatapan kamu
Bersamamu harapanku
Hilang dalam terang yang membutakanku
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingi ku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Sampai syurga ku cintamu
Hanya kamu
Dan segala yang ku ada
Ku berikan semua
Untuk dirimu saja
Ku mahu dirimu
Bahagia untuk selamanya
Biar sampai syurga
Aku menunggu cinta darimu
Agar ku sempurna
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Namun aku tetap aku
Yang terbaik tuk diriku
Hanya satu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingi ku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik
Untuk dirimu
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Sampai syurga ku cintamu
Hanya kamu
So tell me, what makes a jerk, a jerk?
Sure, it's subjective but I believe there's a fine line in everything, right?
How do you differentiate someone who's being extra caring and busybody?
How do you differentiate someone who's being hardworking and a show-off?
How do you differentiate someone who's fun and loud, and annoying?
But yeah, I've come across with loads of jerks in my life.
Jerks who brag about themselves.
Jerks who being over-protective towards their gfs (those psycho bfs, ah u know)
Jerks who ass-kissed all the bosses.
Jerks who think they know it all.
Jerks that are self-centered b*stards.
Jerks who are jerks by nature.
Come to think about it, the question remains. What makes a jerk, a jerk? Because I believe all the jerks I've mentioned above, have good traits too. I believe they have friends around them, loving girlfriends, caring parents and all. How can they have all that if they are jerks, right?
So i conclude that, I believe every guy can be a jerk, once awhile. I admit that i can be super-annoying, attention-seeking, hard-to-please, psycho jerk, once in awhile. So if i do, im sorry yah? :)
the occasional jerk.

suddenly i felt like changing my blog name. putting my own name is such a bore. and so i decided to use a pseudonym instead.
i was down with 2 choices.
1. pseudoname.blogspot.com
2. dinkydice.blogspot.com
and so i got online and did some surveys with them friends.
me: which one is better, pseudoname or dinkydice?
ilya: dinkydice is very youuuu
me: which one is better, pseudoname or dinkydice?
anna: i still like dinkydice, forever and ever
me: which one is better, pseudoname or dinkydice?
amoyy: pseudoname is kinda standard. go for dinkydice
me: which one is better, pseudoname or dinkydice?
diandra: im ok with anything. (not helping right? haha)
me: which one is better, pseudoname or dinkydice?
hiddie: should i wear the black dress or this red one? (erk)
so there you go. the verdict is out. its final.
dinkydice it is then :)
new blogname = check.
now i ought to find a new blogskin. but not today lah.
too tired and sleepy already now.
later y'all :)
p/s: oh, since ive changed my blog name, the list of my blog links were also automatically deleted. sigh now i hv to track them back up.
niceeeee riighhttt?
im suffering a bad sore throat.
and i can hardly speak now.
but i kinda like my voice. rare doww :D
Interesting much, one day is the day of bad luck, and the next is the day of love. Ain't it intriguing how it all changes in the matter of 24 hours? Lol.
But i believe people are just making reasons for what they believe. They will tend to be extra-careful on the Friday the 13th, and extra romantic on the Valentine's Day, whereas i guess those two are just like the other ordinary days for me :p
Heck, my Friday the 13th went quite well for me. Reached KL at 4.15pm, went straight home and prepared myself for the night.The night started with some catching-ups with my lovely cousins, Shazmynn and Nazira at Quattro, Winter Bar. It was kinda cold in there and the crew told me it would get colder later. And they've got all their crew cladding in those trenchcoats, gloves and all the attire worn by the fricking Russians during winter. Cool huh? Like literally.
After a few drinks, I've bid my goodbye and left for Rainforest Borneo as Jane and Diera were already waiting for me there.
(Oh by the way, take a look at the picture and do you agree how fat and tanned i am now? urgh)
Federal Highway. 10.03pm. Friday night. Massive traffic jam. Wtf?
First time at that place, first time meeting Jane and friends, but was already having so much fun. The band was awesome, and so was the crowd. But the spoiler of the night would be the slow songs played by the band towards the end, with songs like End of The Road and some Richard Mark's numbers were just depressing. Especially when it was the Valentines Eve and you're single, and surrounded by loving couples, you will surely feel shitty about yourself. Haha.
Nevertheless, the night ended at 3p.m and headed home straight, feeling all lethargic and worn out.
cause im broken
of late, ive been falling in, and out of love, for too many occasions already.
i might have misintepreted the signals
i might have misjudged the body language.
i might have given myself false hopes.
and through these uncertainties, all i can do is pray.
for some real signs.
yeah. just few days ago i posted about the good news that came pouring in. now suddenly it's time for bad news to take over.
one. scolari has been sacked this morning. tho it was kinda inevitable but i didnt expect it would be now. but it's hoped that it would somehow rejuvenate the camp and obviously there's a need for everyone to stay together thru this trying moments. EPL is virtually out of sight now, i surely hope we can at least go thru the next rounds in Champs League and FA Cup. Amen.
two. rihanna's concert has been cancelled. or postponed. or whatever. and so u've heard. it's pretty dissapointing to learn this, as ive already booked the flight tickets and such, and now have to make new plans to fill up my friday night. haha.
three. ok there's no number three. hope that those abovementioned are the only bad news i will be receiving for the time being. :)
one. lampard's red card has been overturned, and automatically his three-match ban has been removed as well
two. quaresma joining chelsea on loan. hope this can rejuvenate his career, and rejuvenate chelsea's hope for the title. watch out gaylord ronaldo. :)
three. liverpool lost to Everton last night 1-0 in the FA Cup. Gerrard was injured, Lucas got red-carded, they were dumped out of the race. KARMA IS SWEEET, FUCKERS :)
four. the turmoil in Perak political landscape. if things are going as planned, BN will form the new state government. wonder where's this New Govt that Anwar Berahi has been promising his people
five. just got paid. im breathing again. haih. but still considering to go back for the Rihanna concert tho.
six. tomorrow is goddamn friday. HAHA its wknd again y'alllll
without u realizing it, it's already february.
dang times sure fly fast.
hey it's the month of love.
spread some love y'all.
share your love to the loveless.
like moi

Mr Squidward Riley
I'd must say we had a 50 50 chance of winning that game, but thanx to Mr Squidward, Chelsea were all vulnerable to attacks and with 10 men playing, and it's Anfield, the bet wud be against us.
I predict a shitty Monday tomorrow.
Feeling the Monday Blues already eventho Monday is just 2 hours old.
I'm back.
Same old me, same old story.
After reading several blogs, ive decided to just BLOG IT AWAY. Won't be posting stupid self-written poems anymore. Ok maybe once in awhile because I'm lame like that :)
It's Saturday night and it's raining outside. It has been raining constantly for the past one week, flooding all major roads and the low-level area in Sibu. Giving me more excuses to stay put at home.
Eventhough it's still January, I'm already starting to plan for my big day. With so many ideas, but limited choices of venues and themes, suddenly I'm feeling the unnecessary pressure. The pressure to ensure my party will be a smooth, memorable one. I've experienced two mediocre parties of my own last two years so I'm pretty determined to make amends this time around.
Hope I can plan a doable, impactful party that can please all the guests. Simply because, it's gonna be my 25th birthday party. Damn I'm old. :)
Still letting the options open. Haih.