Atas katil. Belum mandi.
My last post was in August?
What you see above is not a war aftermath, nor a tornado after effect, but merely a freak storm that hit a food bazaar in Jasin, Melaka, yesterday. The bizarre storm that lasted only few minutes hit the stadium parking lot in Melaka when the hawkers were preparing and opening their stalls for the Ramadhan bazaar.
This shows how fragile human lives are. Al-Fatihah to the deceased and condolences to the families.
Jam menunjukkan tepat 8 malam.

Yup. Now you can 'Like' any of my posts that interest you. Thanks to the Facebook Like Widget I just installed. How more vain can I get, right? :)
Can't really recall when was the last time I kicked some ball. I think it was months ago, if my memory serves me well. So when my colleagues started to play street soccer at our office's compound, I guess I could try to kick a ball or two. Have to thank the World Cup tho for changing the current sports of these guys back to football. It's all seasonal as I can see it. From badminton to pingpong and thank God it's back to football, the only game that I am fond with and can play wholeheartedly.
I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is because we fear something so great won’t happen twice

You say, “Oh, sing one we know,”
But I promise you this,
I’ll always look out for you,
That’s what I’ll do.
I say “oh,”
I say “oh.”
My heart is yours,
It’s you that I hold on to,
That’s what I do,
And I know I was wrong,
But I won’t let you down,
(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah I will, yes I will…)
I say “oh,”
I cry “oh.”
Yeah I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
Sing it out.

well someone forwarded this email to me. not sure why it's been circulated now, instead of before the World Cup kicked off. prolly because Germany has made it this far I think. whatever it is, i hope it's as powerful as the Paul the Octopus' predictions or Mick Jagger's jinx. enjoys!
If Germany goes thru to the finals, U know who to bet on.
This world cup is already determined by the numbers...
Brazil won the World Cup in 1994; before that they also won in 1970.
Adding1970 + 1994 = 3964
Argentina won its last World Cup in 1986; before that they also won in
1978. Adding 1978 + 1986 = 3964
Germany won its last World Cup in 1990; before that they also won in 1974.
Adding 1974 + 1990 = 3964
Brazil also won the World Cup in 2002; before that they also won in 1962.
Adding 1962+ 2002 = 3964
Therefore if you want to know what nation is going to win the World Cup in
2010, you only have to subtract 2010 from the magic number that we have
determined: 3964. 3964 - 2010 = 1954...
In 1954 the World Cup was won by Germany !!!
Probably not scientific .. but pretty interesting

You've been chasing that certain woman for weeks, maybe even months. She rarely calls you, she flirts with other guys, but you continue to hope that one day she'll come around. How do you know when to finally throw in the towel?
The hugely popular book He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys has virtually become the dating bible for women; it clearly outlines the signs that men give off when they are not interested. But don't bother running out and buying yourself a copy just yet. When the situation is reversed and it comes to reading a woman's signals, the indicators can be very different.
The following 9 signs are all giveaways that she is not interested in you. With a quick perusal of the list below, you should be in a good position to decipher when to continue your pursuit and when to walk away with your dignity intact.
So read on to put her behavior into perspective and figure out once and for all if she's just not into you.
1. She says she's not ready for a relationship
Ah, the classic escape route; women often use this one when they feel cornered by someone they are not interested in. It's clean, requires no preparation and leaves no room for a counterargument. But if a woman says this to you, what she really means is that she does not want to be in a relationship with you. For whatever reason, she doesn't see you as relationship material for her, so don't stick around hoping she will be ready someday. She might get into a relationship eventually, but it probably won't be with you.
2. You're always the one calling her and/or she doesn't return your phone calls
Watch out: She may be avoiding you. And if she's not avoiding you, you are not on her mind and she simply forgot. Either way, this means that she has less invested than you do and doesn't care enough to actively seek out your company.
Here's a rule of thumb: If she doesn't return your first call, call a second time, as she may be playing hard-to-get. If she doesn't return your second call, you can rightly conclude that she's not into you. (Do allow a certain amount of leeway on this point; women have been told by umpteen dating books to let the man do the pursuing. She should be calling you at least once for every three times you call her.)
3. She avoids eye contact and physical proximity
This is an obvious sign that many men overlook. If she is attracted to you, she will naturally want to be close to you and make eye contact. If she is evading your gaze, however, she may be consciously trying to avoid leading you on and having to turn down your advances later. It's a sneaky little trick, but it usually works. Take it as a sign that you're not her type. If she keeps you at arm's length at all times, she may also be protecting her personal space, so make sure you don't get too close.
4. She mentions other guys she finds attractive
No, she's probably not trying to make you jealous -- unless we are dealing with an ex-girlfriend, a situation that belongs in another category altogether. Most likely, though, you are in the "friend zone," which means that you are just like one of her girlfriends that she shares her thoughts with. Ergo, it has never even crossed her mind to date you. Not good.
5. She tries to set you up with another woman
She might do this because, like in signal No. 4, it never crossed her mind to date you. Alternatively, she might do this because she likes you as a friend but wants to make certain you don't hit on her. Either way, the message is clear: She definitely doesn't want you for herself.
6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes
If she is consistently stone-faced when you crack jokes, then you can conclude two important things. First, she doesn't find your sense of humor engaging, and second, she doesn't like you enough to bother to pretend otherwise. Here's a shocker: Whether or not she laughs at your jokes doesn't necessarily have to do with whether or not she finds them funny. Laughing is a form of flirting, and if she isn't doing it, you can be pretty sure her mind isn't on you.
7. She is always vague about making plans
If she really wants to see you, she'll make firm plans. If she doesn't want to see you or doesn't care one way or another, you can be pretty sure that she's not into you. If she is vague about making plans, it probably means that she is neutral about being in your company, or even worse, that she doesn't want to commit in case something better comes up. Ouch.
8. She regularly cancels plans with you
Let me break it to you gently: You are the fall guy, the "just in case she doesn't have anything better to do" guy. It is certainly fair to cancel plans occasionally for a legitimate reason, but if she bails consistently, ditch her, even as a friend. If she does this, it not only shows that she's not interested, but that she holds little respect for you at all. Move on, and do it quickly.
9. Her description of the perfect man sounds nothing like you
She tells you she wants a Mediterranean man who can dance salsa. You are Swedish and can only square dance. I know -- women rarely stick to what they say are the perfect traits they are looking for in a man. And indeed, she may actually end up with a square-dancing Swede, but in all likelihood, it won't be with you. Take this as a kind hint on her part that you, for whatever reason, are not her perfect man.
If she exhibits one of the above signs, it doesn't bode well for your cause. If she exhibits two to three of these signs, you can be pretty certain that she's not interested. If you are noticing more than three of the above signs, listen carefully, because it's never going to happen.
I know from experience that an unreciprocated crush can be a big blow to one's self-esteem. So do yourself a favor and don't prolong the inevitable. If, after reading the above list, you can gather that she isn't going to respond to your advances, put yourself out of your misery -- just cut your losses and move on. Repeat this mantra to yourself until it sticks: She's just not into you.
Exactly a week ago, I was basically feeling all weak and feverish. Badan aku panas, sakit tekak, batuk and flu. Pergi Klinik Chu and got my medications. The very next day, things got worse. Tekak aku super loya, kepala super pening, badan super lemah. Aku dah imagine AH1N1 or ILI. For the whole day aku mkn 2 bites of roti bakar je. Serious takde selera. Took 2 blood tests, satu from private lab, satu dekat Govt Hosp. Tangan aku penuh bintik2 merah. KONFIRM DENGGI.
2.33am. Parkcity Everly Hotel, Bintulu.
"It taps into emotional brain centers and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain”, he said to LiveScience.
"If people experience the emotion of fear to a significant degree … their pain tolerance increases," Mr Stephens said to ABC. "There seems to be something similar here. Swearing is emotional language. If it's not fear, it might be aggression."

The Beavers, Wetlands and Wildlife Organization is trying to show people how important beavers really are, and the group has produced an educational DVD and sent 1,000 copies to teachers all over the state of New York.
One member says the beaver is one of the most important wild animals for a number of reasons. First, because they build dams and prevent flooding. And second, because beavers protect us from greenhouse gas emissions
Malaysia Meteorological Department forecasting director Saw Bun Liong said hailstorms occasionally happen in Malaysia, but usually the pellets are very small and fall in a localised area.
“Some clouds can build until they are very high in the atmosphere. At certain altitudes, the cold will cause the water droplets to freeze and form ice.
“When it rains, the pellets fall down too fast to melt, causing hailstones,” Saw said.

Ni aku copy bulat-bulat dari NST Online:
PUTRAJAYA: Gladys Tan Yee Kim from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Green Road, Kuching, Sarawak is the best student and Sekolah Menengah Sains Seremban, Negeri Sembilan as the best school for SPM 2009.Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom made the announcement here, today on the top 10 best student and best schools for SPM 2009.
The other nine best students are:
- Grace Kiew Sze-Ern (SMK (P) Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor);
- Khadijah Ahmad Jais (SM Agama Persekutuan Labu, Negeri Sembilan);
- Akmal Hidayat Sabri (SMK Derma, Kangar, Perlis);
- Syamilah Mahali (Kolej Tunku Kurshiah Seremban, Negeri Sembilan);
- Lee Wei Ling (SMK Taman Melawati, Selangor);
- Nur Syuhadah Muhamad (SM Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Kota Bharu, Kelantan);
- Lai Yin Kwin (SMK Tinggi Melaka, Melaka);
- Corinne Gunn Huey Min (SMK Taman Melawati, Selangor);
- and Hu May Khei (SMK Convent, Taiping, Perak).
While the other nine best schools are:
- Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Klang, Selangor;
- Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Gombak, Kuala Lumpur;
- Sekolah Tun Fatimah, Johor Bahru, Johor
- Sekolah Menengah Sains Alam Shah, Kuala Lumpur;
- Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Rawang, Selangor;
- Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar, Johor;
- Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Temerloh, Pahang;
- SMK Infant Jesus Convent, Johor Bahru, Johor
- and Kolej Tunku Kurshiah Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

Hari ni
Aku rasa macam nak hilang.
Nak hilang dari semua orang
Nak hilang dari korang korang
Nak pergi tempat takde orang kenal
Buat salah pun, takkan ada rasa kesal
Tempat ni buat aku rasa sesak
Perut senak, tekak muak
Aku sebenarnya macam dah letih
Ingatkan dah berjalan, tapi masih bertatih
Dah cuba berlari, tapi tak sampai-sampai
Dah cuba berenang, masih terkapai-kapai
Ini hidup aku, aku yang kena urus
Tapi aku mcm tak bole fikir dengan lurus
Benda kecik, nampak besar
Benda halus, nampak kasar
Mungkin aku perlukan sokongan
Mungkin bantuan, mungkin pertolongan
Yang tengah memberi memang ada
Tapi aku tak tau sampai bila
Sebab mak penah cakap, orang akan berubah
Hari ni baik, esok hilang dah
Walaupun aku benci nak mengaku
Aku rasa aku pun kadang-kadang macam tu
Aku bukan nak perhatian seratus peratus
Kan aku dah cakap, aku takleh fikir lurus
Cukuplah dengan orang berbisik kat aku dan pesan
'Takyah hilangkan diri, kitorang kan ada, kawan-kawan'