
of facts and craps, news and views

Aku ingat lagi dalam setaun lepas, budak2 opis aku panggil aku Facebook junkie. Pantang depan PC, pantang depan laptop, pantang bukak phone, mesti Facebook.

Hari-hari update status.
Hari-hari komen wall orang.
Hari-hari komen gambar orang.
Tiap bulan upload album.

Maunya tak, photo album aku ada la dalam 127 bijik. Friends ada la dalam 4222 lebih.
Kalau tak bukak Facebook sehari, mesti badan gatal-gatal tumbuh ruam.

Tapi itu dulu.
Sekarang aku dah insaf.
Aku bukan lagi kaki Facebook.
Aku tak lagi menatap Facebook 12 jam sehari (yang lain tu masa aku mandi, berak dan tidur)
Aku tak lagi upload album tiap bulan. Last album pun aku rasa raya 2010. Gila kau, taun lepas tu.

Sekarang aku bukak 5 minit je.
Sekarang aku bukak just nak tengok gambar2 orang tag je.
Sekarang aku bukak sebab nak tengok birthday siapa hari ni.
Sekarang aku bukak kejap, dah rasa bosan.

Aku dah berubah.
Aku bukan lagi Facebook junkie.

Sebab sekarang aku adalah Twitter junkie!



Ah, since this is on Twitter... Sorry but just want to check:
Have we met or do we know each other? I saw you on my "Followers" list, I wanted to follow back but wasn't sure who you were. But I noticed our mutual friends ramai. Sorry if we've met but I cannot recall. Let me know, thanks!

Happy tweeting!

#ehsamalah +1
facebook died just like that
2011 not facebook's year

samela. fb skrg da bosan. twitter lg best. ;D

yeah, me too! twitter addict!!

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About The Blabber

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
he's just another joe you happen to meet on the streets, in your bio class, in the elevator of your apartment. you know him, and soon will forget where did u meet him. he's insignificant like that :)

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