I hope this entry explains everything that you need to know about who am I and why am I trending in Malaysia for the past 3 days.
First of all, hi. I'm @faliqfahmie and this is my blog. I signed up for Twitter on 13th May 2009 and been a Twitterholic since then. What do I tweet? Crap mostly. And corny stuff that you would puke to.
Having 7,811 followers on Wednesday, I tweeted "Your name is my personal trending topic". If you're from Twitter, you would know what does this mean. If you're not, I suggest you sign up for one. Ha.
Ok so few friends of mine responded to this tweet by jokingly tweeted "#FaliqFahmie is my personal trending topic" and suddenly it became a hashtag. Friends tweeted about #FaliqFahmie to make fun of my tweet and without knowing it, it got trending. Thanks to these people with lots of followers, @karrotgold @dabushkamaruddin @bam_reel @aizadfahmy @ciksenah and lots more.
What started as a joke, became a trending topic.
Everybody started to ask who the heck is #FaliqFahmie and it contributed to the trending. Some friends also jokingly tweeted "Better delete your Twitter if you didn't know who #FaliqFahmie is" and some people took it seriously.
Today, 3 days after that, I'm having 10,190 followers on Twitter, 217 followers on this blog from 124, and 28 Facebook friend requests.
So here are the FAQ.
How did I become trending? My friends started it, haters added to it, strangers have been asking about it.
What did I do to become trending? I don't know. Read my timeline. It's boring actually.
What do I feel about this? At first thrilled, but after receiving so many haters for nothing, I'm feeling quite uncomfortable with this sudden fame, really. What I'm afraid most is, when these new followers realized that I'm actually boring and they will regret following me.
You guys should know that I never wanted this to happen, and it wasn't me who started the trending.
So, there goes my story. I can only be me. I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations.
And I hope this trending topic dies off soon as I don't deserve to be up there.