So I have. Watched The Vow.
Quite frankly, I wasn't aware about the existence of the movie prior to watching it. Neither have I watched the trailer nor seen the poster anywhere. Perhaps they were there, but I just happened to miss them. So I didn't know what to expect out of this movie, initially I thought.
Anyway, no, this is not a movie review, professionally. I'm a no movie critic. I'm just a normal guy who enjoys watching movies, and tonight I feel like sharing it. And yes, spoiler alert.
So, what is the movie all about? And how did it affect me until it made me blog about it?
This movie starred Channing Tatum and my ex-girlfriend, Rachel McAdams. It lingers around how far can one go, in getting his love back. What would he sacrifice. How long can he weather the storm. How determined he is, in fighting reality that the one he loves. has become a complete stranger. Not on her own will, but fate decided that they got into an accident and she had a major knock on her head that she fell into a coma. Upon waking up, she didn't remember her own husband.
As this movie goes along, audience is left wondering the ultimate question, will Paige (Rachel) ever regain her memory? What will Leo (Channing) do to help Paige in rediscovering herself, and eventually rediscovering them?
I'm not gonna spoil it further for all of you, but I'd must say, I enjoyed watching this movie. After series of good and not-so-good action and comedy movies I watched recently, it felt actually good to watch a good romantic movie.
So I'll leave you with some of memorable lines from this movie and some quotes that I created myself from this movie. Enjoy!
"I hope one day I can love the way that you love me." - Paige
"I vow to love you, no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other" - Leo
“How do you look at the girl you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?” - Leo
"If we're meant to be together, we'll be together" - Leo
To me your face is familiar, but to your heart, I'm nothing but a stranger.
Sometimes after you've tried your best and put all your effort into it, you'll just have to let times do its course.
Falling in love is not a once-off event. You should fall in love every day, with the same person.